Its funny how you can look at the same situation on two consecutive days and see it completely differently. Perhaps everything just depends on the way you face it?
It wasn’t that nobody was there to give me the answer, it was that nobody had the answer. My friend and I often discussed this. If only we had a crystal ball. But would we really want to know? I mean thats half the fun isn’t it, not knowing. But not knowing can leave you in a state of hesitancy. Of inaction. Of isolation even. I found myself hoping for something definitive, something clear cut.
“I hope my case doesn’t fall on your head” she said as I sat in the seat next to her. We lurched forwards. I could imagine the referral form - “Cause of injury: Hit on the head by a purple antler”. I wondered if it was a polite disclaimer she was giving? Or a warning? I knew it was up to me.
So I changed seats. And went backwards.